Privacy Policy - Android Play Store
The Android Play Store Privacy Policy
The Android Application:
does not use analytics (neither google nor other)
does not use ads (neither google nor other)
does not use any cookies and does not collect any data - regardless the version of the application.
This application has 2 versions:
1xxxx (aka the old one) (e.g.: 1040128 tageting old phones, like api 11 and above)
2xxxx (aka the new one) (e.g.: 2065011 for new phones, api 24 and above)
Being an open source application (based on FBReader), it uses other 3rd party applications. To protect further from any unknown issues/mistakes, in the new version we have also cut all permissions. This way, the new version (2xxxxx) of the application:
does not use (nor request) any network connection
does not use (nor request) sdcard access (neither write nor read) (we have limited to sand-boxed directory for storing the books).
Should anyone identify any problem related to privacy, is kindly asked to contact us immediately at .
This policy can be seen also on: (text) (picture)